SCA’s September President’s Message

Strathcona pm

My thoughts are with students, parents, and teachers as they navigate this complicated return to school. I am curious to see how classrooms have been set up. Will there be any outdoor recreation time? How will the online platforms look for students studying from home? When my boys were still in school, I was the happiest mom coming down the stairs at the end of June and equally happy taking them back up the steps at the beginning of September – I relied on the rhythm it set for our year. 2020 is a whole new tune!

The SCA received some harsh criticism from a resident – saying that we were being irresponsible and compromising the health of residents by accepting event bookings. Our Office Manager, Shelley Lakatos, is probably one of the best educated people regarding COVID-19 protocols in the city and has been scrupulous in following all the precautions. The SCA is being very careful when taking event bookings, re-introducing programming, and welcoming tenants back into the building. The SCA CA is accountable not just to residents but to the City of Calgary and we are being diligent, rest assured!

We have a few events coming up for you to consider: Saturday, September 12, from 10:00 to 1:00 pm, we are holding a Membership Drive at the SCA – with a valid SCA membership you can drop off your empties and take advantage of onsite shredding. Memberships will be available for purchase at this event. On Wednesday, September 23, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, the SCA will be holding their AGM. At the AGM, we present our audited financial statements, review the year, and this year, we will provide information about how COVID-19 has impacted the SCA. If you have a valid membership, you are welcome to attend. On Thursday, September 24, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, 2 Gals in a Garden will be hosting a workshop, Fantastic Fall Wreaths; check the website for more information.

For information regarding programming and events, please refer to the SCA website at – information is updated regularly and you might be surprised by how much the SCA is able to offer (in-person and online), even during this difficult time.

The garbage dumpster, recycling and composting bins are for SCA use only! Also, be advised that any bags etc. that are left beside the clothing bin because it is full or the items too large, will be considered garbage and thrown out. The clothing bin is for clean fabric items, shoes, and belts – no toys, no bicycles, booster seats, etc.! Please know that any items you ‘dump’ at the SCA must be dealt with by staff and that really is not in their job description. Be responsible – take care of your own stuff, don’t make it our problem.

I am confident that our community will find a new normal, a new normal where we are all more mindful of one another and where we reach out to help those at risk. Let’s go into fall with a renewed sense of optimism!

Maureen Smith

SCA President