Brentwood’s Editor’s Scribblings for November

Community Newsletter Brentwood

Dear Brentwoodians,

Thank You!

As I write, Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it will look different this year – large gatherings pose a risk of transmission of COVID-19 to our loved ones, so many families are having smaller Thanksgiving dinners with those in their “bubbles”, and trying to connect with their wider circles of loved ones virtually. I know that many of us are thankful for the efforts of public health officials and health-care workers this year as they have worked on the front lines of the pandemic, as well as the teachers and professors who have had to pivot into online curricula, and all the service, restaurant, and retail workers who kept working throughout the various levels of lockdown.

I am also thankful to my fellow citizens and neighbours for doing such a great job of abiding by the recommended practices for safety in these times, including wearing masks, keeping a distance, and limiting gatherings. It is no doubt inconvenient and awkward to accommodate these measures, and I sincerely hope that we will be able to return to normal socialization and interaction before too long, but I am proud that we are not seeing the politicisation and conspiracy-mongering that we hear about in other places.

We Remember

Continuing on the same theme, on November 11, we always pause to remember those who have given their lives for the safety and freedom of their fellow citizens. This year I feel it would be appropriate to add a thought for the health workers and other front-line personnel who have risked, and in some cases sacrificed, their lives to try and keep the rest of us safe.

Winter is Coming!

Despite a long and pleasant autumn season, the onset of winter is inevitable, and with it the loss of the outdoor get-togethers and activities that provided some bright spots in the summer of 2020. How are Bugle readers planning to spend the cold weather months? Share your advice for indoor activities, outdoor pursuits, or great reads and watches for those long winter evenings!

Photo Contest

The Bugle is looking for Brentwood’s best amateur photographers to provide cover images each month. If you have a great snap of our neighbourhood saved on your phone or posted on your social media feed, send it in for a chance to be featured on the cover of an upcoming issue! Photos must be 300 DPI or higher (i.e. from a newer model phone or good digital camera), 6.3 x 8.2 inches minimum size, and portrait orientation. If submitting pictures of minors, please make sure that you have direct, express permission to submit the picture from a parent or guardian. Send your photos, or any questions, to [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Jucker,

Editor, Brentwood Bugle