Evergreen Message from the Board for November


Hello Evergreen residents,

Winter is coming soon, and we need to be well-prepared. With the COVID-19 issues, all need to maintain the social distance and follow the “now normal” protocols. Please take extra care when walking outside, taking kids to school, walking your pet, etc.

After a long period of time of waiting, the southwestern leg of Stoney Trail is open. It is an important addition to the city and would help in optimizing commute and enhance traffic flow. Thank you to all worked hard to achieve this milestone.


  • 2020 Annual General Meeting and Social (AGM) will take place on Thursday, November 19, 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Flames Room at Cardel Rec. Centre. 333 Shawville Blvd. SE. A new board will be elected to serve the community for another year.

There are some key positions that will be vacant this AGM and we really need the communities help to fill them. They are: Secretary, Webmaster, Volunteer Director, and Grants Director. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact us. If you are a member and not able to attend the AGM, please take the time to download a proxy form, fill it out and return it either by post, or via email to [email protected] with 2020 AGM Proxy’ in the subject line. If returning by post, please allow for postal delivery time. We need a minimum quorum of 20 members for the AGM. For more info related to the AGM, please visit www.myceca.ca/AGM.

  • The 7th Annual Evergreen Christmas Light Contest! This is a popular event that has been successfully running for many years now. A huge thank you goes to Shawnessy Canadian Tire for sponsoring this event. We have $600 in prizes to give away! Check this issue for how to enter.
  • Evergreen Grinch Tree Fundraiser! Please check out the poster in this issue, and on our website and social media, and support the community!

Give back to the community…volunteer with us!

A huge thank you goes to our volunteers. Without your help and support, we would not have been able to run our events and programs to serve our lovely Evergreen. We are always looking for people to help and engage in serving our community.

We have openings for volunteers on the board and on our ongoing community events. If you would like to join us, please email our volunteer director at [email protected]. We will send you a brochure for the open positions and details about tasks and average time commitment needed for each position.

Talk to you next month!

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

403-397-7722 | [email protected] | www.myceca.ca