Woodcreek’s January Message from the President

Woodcreek pm

Hello Residents of Woodcreek,

Hard to believe we have finally said goodbye to 2020. It was a year for the record books, that’s for sure. Let’s hope 2021 brings us together with our loved ones and that we are able to safely explore our beautiful world once again.

A few news items for you all. At the AGM in November, I had the honour of being voted in as President of Woodcreek Community Association. I have served on the WCA board for many years, and I have big shoes to fill! The last two Presidents, Scott Eden and Cec Jahrig, have done an outstanding job of leading our community, and I am privileged to say that not only have I worked with them, but, perhaps more importantly, I call them friends. Please stop and say hello to me if you see me in the neighbourhood or send an email to me at [email protected].

Given the COVID numbers in Alberta, the community association has had to close once again. We had to cancel our Skate with Santa, and we were not able to ring in the new year with a Nora Ward planned New Year’s Eve Party. She also does such a great job, and the themes each year seem to surpass the ones before. Hopefully 2021 brings at least one of Nora’s events – my fingers are crossed for sure. My sincere hope is that our due diligence with public health guidelines throughout December means that in January, or in the near future, we can open up our indoor facilities to our residents. If not, rest assured we are working hard to have the building in tip top shape for when we are given the go ahead. In the meantime, the Board hopes you are making good use of our outdoor facilities. We have three outdoor skating rinks, a number of playgrounds, and although we can’t call Fish Creek Park our own, we have many entrances to these walking and biking paths in our community.

As always, we need to thank our office and building staff. Sue, Erin, and Al make WCA run smoothly and the board would not operate as well as we do without their support. Don’t forget to get your WCA membership. By having a membership, you are privy to informative emails that are sent directly to our members. Further, membership dues help fund some of the events we hold. Visit our website at www.woodcreekcommunity.ca and see what we have to offer.

Cheryl MacLeod

President, WCA