Kincora’s President’s Message for May


Hi Kincora,

Thank you to everyone who partook in our Earth Day litter cleanup, along with our Parade of Garage Sales and City of Calgary Community Cleanup means Kincora has done its spring cleaning and we can look forward to starting our summer season fresh and clean! Did you know the City of Calgary 311 app can help you report everything from graffiti, to issues with your garbage and recycling bins, and any other by-law issues. It gives you a way to track your issue and ensure that it gets resolved. From personal experience, if you’ve got a streetlight burnt out in your area you can also report that using the City of Calgary website. I had three on my block alone that are now all fixed!

As we continue to move into the warmer months and the KCA follows along with provincial guidelines, we want to hear from you. What can the KCA do in the neighbourhood to improve it? How can we work with the KRA to ensure we remain the hidden jewel in NW Calgary? Have you ever wanted to know something about the area and don’t know where to start? Reach out either with the contact information below or on our website. We couldn’t meet face to face at our AGM so we need you to come to us.

The KCA board is now back up to a full eleven board members, we are planning events through the back half of 2021, working with our neighbourhood partners the Kincora Residents Association, Symons Valley Park Association, and our Councillors office. However, our membership numbers are still over 100 houses short of 2019. We are going to be starting our digital newsletter back up now that we’ve finished our website re-design and we want you to be a part of it. Sign up to join the KCA; it’s $20, gives you a membership for one year from the day you sign up, supports your local community, invests in a board of volunteers who speak on Kincora’s behalf and best interests.

I hope you’ll reach out, I hope you sign up, and get out enjoy all that Kincora has to offer!

Travis Merrick
587-917-3125 | [email protected]