Kingsland’s President’s Message for May


Thank you to everybody who participated in the 100 Ideas for Kingsland campaign. Collectively we came up with 112 ideas with 66 people voting!

This project was in collaboration with the University of Calgary’s School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Design and the students brought a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and an open mind to our community. I am so grateful to Dr. Fabian Neuhaus the dean John Brown, for supporting these community partnerships as a learning opportunity, the Federation of Calgary Communities for connecting us, and especially the students; Adam, Awawari and Tina, for building the content on the site, running creative and energizing workshops and helping us see what was possible! They topped things off with an invitation to build a 3D board game where you can design your own hub with the amenities you want. All materials and their proposed plan will be available on the website.

The Most Popular Ideas:
1. Kingsland Farmers Market with fresh local vendors and fresh goods

  1. Develop the former Kingsland school site with green space
  2. Fence the off-leash park
  3. Solar lighted pathway to the LRT
  4. Walkway pathway throughout all of Kingsland
  5. Nature-based playground at 7th Street Park
  6. Pollinator garden at the community hall
  7. Community gardens
  8. Using artwork to beautify Kingsland
  9. Pickleball at the hockey rink

What’s next? Some of these are well underway. For example, Christine D. has been working with the City of Calgary on fencing the off-leash park and more details are in the newsletter (We’d love your input and support, reach her at [email protected] if you want to help). For some items, we are looking to secure grant funding to implement, and for others, we will require creativity and energetic volunteers to help us!

How can you help? 

  • For our pollinator garden, we are looking for donations of bee-friendly plants, volunteer gardeners, and design ideas.
  • For pathways and green space, we are looking for individuals to help us advocate to the City of Calgary and build a strong case for why it would benefit the community.
  • For a potential nature-based playground, we need fundraisers and somebody to research how other communities were successful (what funding was available, how they organized their campaign)

Whether or not any of these come to fruition will depend on the community. If any of these inspires you, or you have ideas or support, let us know!


May 14: Flower fundraiser closes

May (Exact date tbd): Broxburn Vegetables will resume their mobile market at the Community Hall.

May 31: Community memberships are due!

May 30: Flowers from the fundraiser are delivered to the hall for pick up! (you will receive a specific time to pick up at the time of ordering)

May / June: Community Food Truck Day – details and location to be announced.

September 11: Community Clean-up Day at the Kingsland Community Centre (505 – 78th Avenue) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm