Highland Park’s Planning and Development Report for December

Highland cn

by D. Jeanne Kimber | [email protected]

There are several development proposals of interest to report this month. One of the most concerning is an application for a land use change to M-CG for the property at 3404 3 St NW. The land use was previously changed to R-CG, which would have permitted a rowhouse structure. The original plans for the building showed a 5-unit multi-family structure which failed to conform to the rules required under the R-CG land use designation. If Council approves the change of land use, then the proposed building could be considered for planning approval. This process will take some time and we will keep you informed about this application. The file reference is LOC2021-0187. The comment period for this application has not yet been opened as of the date of this article.

Another land use change application to R-CG at 457 33 Ave NW is causing concern to nearby residents. The developer’s intention is to build a 4-unit rowhouse although a Development Permit has not yet been filed, The structure would be oriented towards 4 St NW. The application to change the land use is under review by the Planning department. The comment period has been extended to November 30. If approved by the Planning department, then it would go to the Calgary Planning Commission, who could then recommend it proceed to Council for approval at a public hearing. The File Reference is LOC2021-0175.

Although approval was given for a land use change to R-CG for 4025 2nd St NW, a development permit has not yet been filed for the property. The intention of the developer is to construct a rowhouse with secondary suites. Community residents will have an opportunity to comment on the actual building plans once a development permit has been filed.

A development proposal for a multi-residential apartment building at 4111 1 Street NE seems to have become stalled in the approval process. The Development Permit reference is DP2020-8284 and it is still under review by the City planning department.

Another application that is still apparently stalled is for a land use change at 4519 Centre St NW to MU-1. The File Reference is LOC2019-0065. The Community Association opposed this application.

An application was submitted for a land use change for two properties just uphill on Centre A St NE and 40th / 41st Avenue. The requested change is for M-H1 zoning, which is a multi-residential land use that supports 4 to 8 storey apartment buildings that may include commercial storefronts. The application reference number is LOC2021-0088. The land use change goes to public hearing at Council on December 6. Comments may be submitted between November 18 up until noon on November 29. The public submission form can be accessed by going to the City of Calgary’s webpage for Council Meetings, Agenda and Minutes at www.calgary.ca/citycouncil/city-council-meetings.html.

Please note that status information about any Development Permit or Land Use Change application can be found on the City’s Planning and Development map at https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/. Just zoom in and click on the property you wish to examine in greater detail. Details about the application and contact information for the file manager will then be available to view.

Application plans can be viewed upon inquiry to either the city or to [email protected]. We regret that we are not allowed to post them on our community website or Facebook page. The city will gradually be making this option available through their development map site.