Rutland Park’s Development and Traffic Report for December


I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:

  1. We continue to lobby to protect Richmond Green. We have reached out to the Provincial Government asking that they rescind the land use decision on Richmond Green because it contravenes the Municipal Development Plan. Minister McIver has recommended that we open a file with the provincial Ombudsman. We will do so. We will also reach out to David Duckworth and Stuart Dalgleish at the City.
  2. We have reached out to the Candidates with regards to Richmond Green and will now reach out to the new Councillors. It is still our hope that this decision will be reversed.
  3. The Development Committee provided feedback with regards to the new Currie Mews application near the Currie Stables. We are excited to see that this development is moving forward and hope it will be a catalyst for more development in Currie.
  4. We are also starting to see more renewal development in Rutland Park as some of our older housing stock transitions to new builds.
  5. Once our new Councillor, Courtney Walcott, gets settled, we plan to arrange a meeting to discuss our traffic calming proposal for Richmond Road. Hopefully we can slow traffic down a bit and make Richmond Road more pedestrian friendly between 29 St SW and 37 St SW.
  6. By the time you are reading this, we will have conducted our first virtual AGM. Thank you to those who attended. Welcome Nisha Sridhar, Karen Wesley, and Cindy McCaffery to the RPCA Board.

If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook—Rutland Park Community Association, and Currie Community. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leanne Ellis, VP Development and Traffic

[email protected]