Chaparral’s President’s Message for January


Hello Chaparral,

Another year has passed by, and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We live in interesting times, indeed. This season should be all about giving, friendship, community spirit, and understanding. Personally, I use this month to reflect and to recognize all the good things that happened this past year; with all the “crazy” around us, there were some good things, and we need to concentrate on that – be positive, kind, and caring.

A couple of housekeeping things:

CCA board will resume its regular schedule of meetings in January, as usual we will try to keep it to the second Tuesday of every month, except July and August, at 7:00 pm. The format (in-person or virtual) will really depend on the local health restrictions, but everyone is welcome to attend. We do have some things planned for this upcoming year, a couple of playgrounds, and some events, which should be fun.

Another thing – playgrounds – please respect the speed limits, it is for everyone’s safety. Keep an eye on the snow and ice build up on the sidewalks – be careful out there; and with the holiday festivities, parties, and events – enjoy things responsibly. Stay safe and aware.

“The end of the year is a time of year for remembrance. We take stock of where we came from and have a moment to think about where we are going, as we pursue the future with hope. May your new year be all that you hope for, and may it be sprinkled with love and friendship. Happy Holidays!”

Anton Ovtchinnikov, Chaparral Community Association President