Fairview Community Association Bylaws Update – June

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Did you know that it’s been almost 10 years since the last update to the Bylaws? A lot has changed in our community (and in society at large) and the time has come!

Over the past few years, we’ve come to realize that there are elements in the bylaws that conflict with each other, definitions that don’t make sense, gendered language i.e., Chairman (the Chair has been a ‘she’ since 2017 and many times before that), and it lacked information about our ability to meet in an online format. Initially, we met and went through the Bylaws line by line to try to modernize and accomplish our goals, but we quickly realized it was a Herculean task. The bylaws were originally written for an Association that looks quite different than the one today, they’ve been updated several times, and it was becoming difficult to find a way out of our mess.

We decided to seek out the help of a Parliamentarian to make sure that we were creating great new Bylaws. A parliamentarian is an expert at proper procedures for the conduct of meetings of deliberative assemblies. They interpret and apply Robert’s Rules (and other Rules of Order). We appointed a parliamentarian by the name of Todd Brand, and we have the confidence that he has helped us create fresh Bylaws. He is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP), National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP), and a Member of American Institute of Parliamentarians.

In accordance with The Alberta Societies Act, the updated bylaws will be available for public viewing at least 30 days prior to the AGM date on our website, www.fairviewcommunity.ca. You will find the new Bylaws to be streamlined, easier to read, and a document that better enables your board to function in 2022 and beyond.

There will be a vote of the membership to approve the updated bylaws at our upcoming Annual General Meeting on June 25.

If you cannot access them online, a paper copy can be delivered to you on request by emailing your name and delivery address to [email protected].