Crescent Heights’ President’s Report for August

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Hello Crescent Heights,

As I was trimming the hedge, I wondered what our Board has done for the community this year? Thanks to volunteers who have risen to the occasion, a lot, in my humble opinion. Our volunteers held a community cleanup and a river cleanup, planted 120 trees and bushes on McHugh Bluff near Centre St., and made the annual Stampede Breakfast a success.

The volunteer-run mini galleries in Rotary Park feature wonderful artist groups rotating through the display cases on a six-week cycle. These galleries make a walk in the park truly delightful.

The focus on the Goose and Bear Park has continued. When developed, it will be another attractive green space in Crescent Heights.

Our summer student, hired under the Canada Student Jobs program, is helping all of us on the Board do a better job. Our new membership system is up and running. Quite effortlessly.

Our volunteer planning committee has been busy reviewing development permits and sending their comments to the City. It was a busy spring for them.

Our Treasurer applied for COVID funding for community associations and was successful thereby improving our financial position significantly.

Our Traffic, Planning, and Mobility group has been meeting with our elected Councilor and City representatives on the numerous issues that come to our attention. Our Hall is earning increased rental income, allowing us to consider upgrading some of the facilities as required by the City’s lifecycle engineering plan.

Our communications team has continued to publish the printed View and E-Blast newsletters. This effort is huge. A volunteer has offered to review our website. Thank you.

For our casino fundraiser, August 9 and 10, a massive contingent of volunteers stepped forward. And let us not overlook the large volunteer rink management team.

Thank you to all volunteers who give their time for our community.

Our Board needs a Facilities Director to oversee our hall. If interested, email me at [email protected].

Our community appreciates it when you get involved. Youth and diversity are highly desired. Hope to see you around.

Dennis Marr, CHCA Board of Directors