Discovery Ridge’s President’s Message for December


Hello Fellow Residents,

I hope you and your family are enjoying the festive season. Holidays always remind us about the family, friends, and little things in life that we appreciate.

Just a few reminders for this month.

Bears and garbage bins. The DRCA has set up a committee to work with the City and Alberta Wildlife on options to help keep the bears and residents safe in our community. The recent tragedy with the bear family has reminded us of our cohabitation with wildlife. This committee will be coming back to the Board with options to implement in our community. In the meantime, if you see any dangerous animals in the park or the community, please contact 311.

Community Damage. A friendly reminder that if you see any illegal activity, graffiti/vandalism, or fires in Griffith Woods or near the rec facilities, please contact 911 for fires and 311 for bylaw issues. Please keep Griffith Woods and our rec facilities safe and accessible for everyone to enjoy.

DRCA Christmas Parade of Lights. We encourage people to put up festive lights on their homes to create a special winterland feel in our beautiful community for everyone to enjoy.

Call out for volunteers. We are always looking for new Board or committee volunteers. We currently have a few roles vacant. If you have any interest or would like to get involved somehow to make Discovery a better place, please contact me.

DRCA Annual General Meeting. Our AGM will be held in February, and is open to all residents; however, only existing DRCA members may vote at the meeting. Any existing DRCA members who are interested in running for a Board Executive Position or would like to join the board as a member at large, this is the chance to help make a difference in your community.

We welcome residents to see your DRCA in action and sit as a guest at one of our meetings. Our meetings are online and usually take place on the first Monday of each month from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. If you would like an invite to our next online meeting, please email me below. If you are interested in joining the Board, please contact me for more information. Lastly, please feel free to email me or your DRCA board regarding any questions or visit our website at

Stay safe,

Anil Tahiliani

[email protected]