Parkdale’s President’s Message for December


Hello Neighbours!

It’s hard to believe that we are in December and the end of the year is approaching. It’s been an incredible year as I reflect back on 2022. While we continued to navigate the pandemic, we accomplished many things at the PCA:

  • The grand opening of the accessible community rink was held on January 29. We were featured on Hockey Day in Canada and celebrated the new facility with over 400 members of the community.
  • The youth soccer program was back after a modified program during COVID-19. Our children enjoyed playing a full season of soccer in our community.
  • The Community Garden was fully subscribed (again). The Parkdale Garden Tour showcased the beautiful gardens of Parkdale residents, and the Annual Harvest Dinner returned this fall.
  • Our events continued to grow bigger including Family Day, the Stampede Breakfast co-hosted with Morpheus Theatre and Nifty Fifities, Parkdale Petfest, and the Kids’ Holiday Party.
  • Our casino fundraiser was supported by many volunteers, raising $65,000 for the PCA.
  • Two new staff members – Rob and Amanda – joined the PCA to support enhancing our facility and operations as well as partnerships and programs.
  • We continue to focus on facility enhancements including receiving many grants to improve the campus including the ENMAX solar program. The PCA building will soon be using solar energy.
  • We received Rick Hansen certification for our accessible community rink. We are the first in Canada to receive this recognition.
  • The Planning and Development Committee responded to many development applications and City consultations.
  • The Future of Parkdale workshops were held with many residents attending and providing input to our land use planning initiative that will kick off in 2023. This will inform how Parkdale will be developed going forward.

These are just a few highlights from the year. I am looking forward to 2023 and having more of our community engaged with the PCA and our activities.

Wishing you and your family a safe and merry holiday season.

Amanda Affonso
