February 2023 Ward 12 Report – Councillor Evan Spencer


Greetings Ward 12,

By now, you should have received your 2023 Property Assessment. You can review and compare your assessment with other properties in your area until March 13. Visit Calgary.ca/assessment to access tools or contact The City if you have questions. 2022 was a tumultuous year for property values, and almost all home and business owners will see an increase in the assessed value of their property. With our revenue-neutral taxation system, increases in property value won’t necessarily translate to an equal increase in property tax. Each year, the property tax mill rate (the percentage applied to the value of the property) is adjusted to ensure that the revenue is collected from the totality of all properties in the city, notwithstanding any changes to the budget.

Overall, as a city, more than 560,000 Assessment Notices were compiled and sent out, based on their value on July 1 of last year. The process to assess properties in the City of Calgary is provincially mandated and is designed to ensure equity and transparency. Visit Calgary.ca/our-finances for more information.

This year, the average price for residential property increased by 12%. Properties that increased more than that amount will have a higher-than-average tax increase, while properties that had a smaller increase in value will see a lower-than-average tax increase. For example, the average single-family home, assessed at $555,000, will see an expected jump of about $10 per month. A condo owner, with an average value of $255,000 would see a much smaller change to this year’s tax bill.

As always please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Ward 12 Office and myself with questions and feedback. You can email [email protected] or call 403-268-1698.


Cllr. Evan Spencer

Ward 12 – Councillor Evan Spencer proudly serves the following Communities: Auburn Bay, Copperfield, Cranston, East Shepard Industrial, Mahogany, McKenzie Towne, New Brighton, Seton, Shepard Industrial, South Foothills