Tuxedo Eats! – March


by Patty

Healthy eating is all the craze, especially here in Calgary. People are always looking for ways to feel better, lose weight, or maybe they are just a good old-fashioned hipster jumping on the bandwagon. Whatever the motivation, your health and wellbeing will thank you.

Being “healthy” has become an obsession of sorts, and with all the contradicting and overwhelming information, it’s easy to get confused or be roped into an unnecessary fad. For example, eating gluten free doesn’t make you better than anyone else or healthier; it’s a diet made for people with a gluten allergy/sensitivity, and there are a lot of unhealthy gluten free products. There is also no one diet that cures all things. If you want to make positive changes to your health, then be ready to make some lifestyle changes as well, but take it one day at a time and be compassionate with yourself. Here are some tips to get you started on your journey.

Be Realistic

Set goals that you know are going to be attainable right away. Going from a meat eater to raw vegan overnight is not going to happen and will set you up for failure before the end of the month. Ease into your diet at your own pace, reduce the amount of “bad” foods in your diet, and start replacing with healthier alternatives and you will soon realize that you don’t even crave artificial ketchup chips.

Replace Instead of Restrict

This is one of the best ways that you can help yourself transition to a healthier diet. Obsessed with chocolate? No problem! Switch to dark chocolate for a healthier choice. Crazy for chips? There are tons of different chips out there that are made with whole foods that are pretty tasty and will totally satisfy your salty cravings. You could also make your own!


Okay, this isn’t a tip, it’s a great suggestion for life though. Water composes 75% of your brain, 22% of your bones, removes wastes, helps convert food into energy, and helps your body absorb nutrients among many other valuable functions. Drink up.

80/20 Rule

Let yourself indulge once in a while. If you are eating a whole foods, nutrient-dense diet most of the time, then your body will know what to do with the extra junk and calories you take in at cheap beer and wings night at the Legion (I don’t know if the Legion actually has a cheap wing and beer night, but if they don’t, they should!).

Get Into a Routine

A healthy routine is a great thing to have for anyone, but it is especially useful when starting something new and getting into a healthy lifestyle; making a new change a part of your daily ritual will keep you going longer and more consistently.

Lemon Water

Have some first thing in the morning to help digestion, get things moving, and to detox your liver. Lemon water is a great thing to add as a part of your daily routine.


Exercise is so important for your overall health and wellbeing. Get those endorphins going by getting into a regular exercise regimen. Maybe you will finally take that yoga or spin class that you always wanted, or you could keep it nice and simple by just walking for 30 minutes a day. Have you tried the Walk15 program or Seniors’ Fitness that we offer at the hall? Baby steps create giant leaps.

Keep Healthy Snacks in the House

One of the best ways to stay on top of the game is to help yourself avoid temptation. Keeping healthy snacks around the house as opposed to your regular Twinkies will help you stick to your plan and ease into your new, improved lifestyle longer. I personally love to always have raw nuts and seeds that I can munch on throughout the day for an added boost of energy.