Montgomery’s Community Garden Update – March

Montgomery cn

by Aleta Ambrose, MCA Community Garden Committee Chair

Gardeners know that even in January or February, there is planning underway. The Montgomery Community Garden Committee is already reviewing the feedback from garden members about our last season and making our 2023 garden plan. We hope for a great crop of carrots, beets, potatoes, and squash like we had last year.

If you are considering joining the garden, here is some information.

1. We work the garden all together, as a group. We manage this by recording our time and what we harvest.

2. All members are expected to be participating work bees at the beginning and end of the season.

3. There is a garden fee that funds our compost, seeds, tools, and garden improvements.

4. The garden is located at the top of the hill across from Montalban Park on 48 Street.

5. You don’t need to know anything about gardening. We have members who can guide the work and share their knowledge.

Membership to the garden will open in early March. Check the MCA website for updates. Membership is capped at 30 families.