Montgomery Talks Music – April 2023

Montgomery cn

by Spike Richards, MCA Vice President

First of all, thank you to those who attended our recent MCA AGM; your involvement in the Montgomery Community Association is very appreciated. For 2023, MCA will not be charging for our memberships. We hope that helps get you and your family out to our community-driven events this year.

We are hosting a Pub Night at the MCA hall on Friday, April 28! We will start early at 6:00 pm, with a rousing round of Tune Trivia or two, and then head into a well-hosted night of singing our little hearts out. And little hearts are welcome, too. Our license allows us to have under 18 guests (with guardians), so we hope to see a number of parents/smurfs and teachers/students singing together up on our raised stage!

Sunday, July 23, we are really pleased to be working with One World Drumming to create a mid-summer Drum Circle. Do you have a djembe drum? We want you to be a part of this day! No drum, but want to learn? We want you out, too! We will also be bringing in some really fun live music for this all-ages afternoon event.

Our MCA Community Cleanup is on Sunday, September 17 this year. Much more on this annual event later, but a head’s up: we will be hosting an MCA Volunteer Brunch the day before, which just happens to fall on Mexico’s Independence Day! Should be mucho fun!

Have a terrific April; I hope you try to get out there and support live music events in Calgary!