Thoughts from a Senior


Be kind to seniors; you’ll be one someday.

We need your patience now more than ever.

For this and other help, you can hear us often pray.

We are slower, don’t hear or see like we used to.

We forget, repeat ourselves, and can’t find that other darn shoe!


Some of us use canes, some use walkers.

Some wear hearing aides, some are slow talkers.

We miss the years when everything worked just so…

Where the dickens does the time go?


The past went fast.

Now we take a nap and time goes slow.

We often drop stuff, can’t shovel the sidewalk snow.

We sit too much, need your arm to take a walk.

Wish you would come by soon to have a little visit, talk.


We look about and think, “I used to go that fast,”

“I used to look like that.”

Was there a warning the easy laugh and dancing would disappear?

Did we take it all for granted year after year?


Just hold on, we’re not done yet…

We have more smiles, fun, and one more friend to go get!