Meet Your Bridgleland Board Member for May – Jess Huffman


How did you first get involved with BRCA as a volunteer?

My first volunteer experience in Bridgeland-Riverside was as a member of the Board. I have a bit of a history of being involved no matter where I have lived. I’ve always thought Bridgeland-Riverside is one of Calgary’s best kept secrets. As soon as we moved, and got ourselves settled in, it was obvious I had been right. We were staying, and since we were staying, getting involved in the community we now called home was just common sense.

What led you to consider serving on the Board?

When I looked for volunteer opportunities, I saw the Board had positions available. I have previous Board experience so I contacted Sarah MacDonald, the Director of Membership and Volunteers, and was elected at the AGM last May.

What is involved in being a Board member?

BRCA is a working Board, which means it fulfills the role of governance, along with the delivery and management of the association’s programs, fundraising, stake-holder relations, and day-to-day operations with the help of one incredibly competent General Manager, Pam Swan. Being able to change hats easily is a definite plus. It’s never boring.

What do you enjoy about being a BRCA Board member?

What I enjoy most is being able to positively impact outcomes for the community. Bridgeland-Riverside residents are interested in what is happening around them. It’s a different experience than living in suburban developments far from the city centre. There is a definite feeling of commitment to, and caring for, the larger community. It makes working with them and for our community a very rewarding experience. There is so much to do to keep what is best about Bridgeland-Riverside while helping it grow in a positive direction. I also have to say that my fellow Board members are at the top of the list of things that make the BRCA Board enjoyable. I really couldn’t ask for kinder, more professional colleagues.

What would you say to community members about joining the Board?

If you consider Bridgeland-Riverside your forever home, as my family does, there is no better way to impact your long-term quality of life than being involved on your CA Board. The learning curve is steep. BRCA is a very active community association. That means there are a lot of things with which to make yourself familiar in a short time frame to get up to speed. The good news, as I mentioned above, is you couldn’t ask for a better group of people to get you through it. The best part of all that activity is that there is something for everyone no matter what their passion, or area of interest may be.

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