Haysboro’s Editor’s Note for May

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Another Egg Hunt has come and gone. I heard parents calling to their kids, Zelda, Veda, Colton, Robin, and turning around I saw a child growing up – not the two-year-old toddler – but the spryer three year old – who knows the reward at the end of the hunt!

Children that once were the seekers are now the hiders – no longer holding a parents’ hand as they shyly move about the playground but helping little kids themselves.

I noticed especially the grade four to six girls; dressing in ways that were expressions of themselves, but also wondering if that was who they were or were trying to be? The young boys seemed to pay no interest to the girls but went about their business getting snacks and hiding eggs.

This must be a hard age to parent – cell phones give them access to friends and content from the internet – COVID made being online more necessary to stay in touch.

I am not a youth leader; I am terrible at talking to them (I think I ask too many questions as though I am talking to their grandparents who are full of stories to tell).

Before I left the hall, we had a summer of fun as I brought in people to offer their abilities and creativity to lead the group of children once a week.

I would be willing to do the legwork if there were a few parents (or nonparents) who would do the leading of the group. This is not to compete with other clubs or groups, but perhaps just a once a month get together to build community amongst this age group.

If you are interested in creating an opportunity for these ‘tweens’ to get together once a month – let me know! Email me at [email protected].

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