Deer Run’s Open Board Meeting

DeerRun cn

Big changes are planned for the DRCA, and you are invited to the Board Open House on June 7. If you feel Deer Run Community Center serves you, you should come out…all communities residents are welcome. Topics include a community needs survey, a new gym, solar energy, new asphalt for a rink/summer tarmac, a new garage, new indoor space for increased childcare, and rental and community use of the building.

We want you to be a part of the process. We are looking for committees made up of those who have gifts in project management, procurement, repairs, etc. A specific and immediate committee we’ve created is going to spruce up the sign on 146 Ave and Bow Bottom – it’s looking old – what can be done? We could just refresh the wood and paint or do something else – but we can’t do it without volunteers. Come out on June 7. If you already know you want to volunteer, please call Rob at the center at 403-278-3117 and he will get you in touch with the current committee head.

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