Haysboro’s Senior Social Club Update for June

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The Haysboro Senior Social Club meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, excluding July, August, and December at the Haysboro Community Centre. Also, this year there will not be a meeting in June. The next one will be September 28.

Everyone is welcome. There are no age or residency requirements. Programs vary – sometimes there is a speaker, sometimes an entertainer. Always lots of time for socializing. Tea, coffee, and goodies are available for your enjoyment.

If we have your contact information, you will be notified by email or phone about upcoming programs. For further information, you can call Denise Palmer at 403-252-0453 or Doris Bessie at 403-457-2893.

Wishing everyone a safe and pleasant summer. We hope to see you on September 28

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