Huntington Hills’ June Drop-In Programs

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Here at HHCA, we have so many amazing programs throughout the year, ranging from drop-in to registered programs. Here are some of the fun drop-in programs available during the spring and summer months!

• Drop-in roller skating is now at the facility! Drop in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Roller skating is the perfect activity as the weather warms up. Make sure to bring your gear.

• Here at HHCA, we’re so happy to offer a variety of pickleball times on various days, especially with the ever-rising popularity of the sport! Our picklers have wonderful things to say about our program so make sure you check it out! We have morning and afternoon drop-in times available from Monday to Friday. $5 drop-in or buy a five-time $20 pickleball card. The first drop-in is always free! Equipment is also available to use.

• Yoga is a great activity with so many amazing benefits. Drop in for some yoga every Friday morning from 9:30 to 10:30 am, it’s the perfect way to kickstart your weekend. Drop-in is $10. Can’t make it for the morning drop-in? Five-week registered yoga programs are also available!

To keep up to date on all our drop-in programs, check out the drop-in calendar on our website.

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