Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for July

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July – the month of gratitude in Deer Ridge. We can enjoy sunshine and good weather, vacations, and a slower pace. – and time for reflection on all of the wonderful things that are happening in our community. Read on and you will see that in June we had a great month of community involvement, individuals and families getting together and stepping up to take on some of the many little things it takes to keep a community friendly, welcoming, and beautiful – a place anyone would like to live. So, this month, in July, we take a moment to thank everyone – to thank you.

Deer Ridge Green Space Cleanup

A great big thank you to all the families and individuals who came out to help us clean up our green spaces, our playgrounds, the off-leash park, the entire hillside, Yellow Slide Park, and the many boulevards and fence lines in the community. Even the wee little ones came out to help! Your pride in your community is showing and we salute you.

Queensland Diamond Cove/Deer Ridge Community Cleanup

Thank you to the volunteers who helped out at the Queensland Diamond Cove/Deer Ridge Community Cleanup event on June 10. It makes such a difference in a big undertaking such as this, to have people who are willing to come out and help direct traffic, and to provide a friendly face to everyone bringing their trash stash to the City of Calgary dumpsters. Your help and your smiling faces were so appreciated.

A great big thank you to the Queensland Diamond Cove Community Association for partnering with us for this event and for providing their community association parking lot as the venue.

Community Festival

Thank you also to the volunteers who helped out with our Deer Ridge booth and the games and crafts for kids at the Community Festival on June 25. This was a totally fun event, and it was great to just be able to connect with everyone who came out to our very own community festival. Vendors, music, games, and food – so much to see and experience, such a great time, and so much fun! Heartfelt thanks go out to Cornerstone Music Café for once again anchoring this event for the neighbourhood, and for organizing all the countless things it takes to put on the festival.

Annual General Meeting

Thank you to all of the members who came to the Annual General Meeting on June 20. We offer our gratitude to every member who let their name stand for a position on the Board, and we extend our heartfelt thanks you to every Board member who has been serving the community, many of them for many, many years, and congratulations to those who have taken a position on the Board. We’ll have an update on who’s filling what positions on the Board for you in August’s newsletter.

Movie in Yellow Slide Park

Movie in the Park – the long-awaited family fun event that everyone can enjoy, will be on August 19 this year. Come for hot dogs and activities for the kids in the early evening and stay for a movie at sunset. Everything is free – you don’t need to be a member to come and enjoy this, so collect your family and friends, grab your lawn chairs and bug spray, and come on down to Yellow Slide Park to have some fun together before summer is done!


Would you like to get in on community building, planning fun activities, friendships, and the camaraderie of working with a group of volunteers? Come and join us – be a volunteer for any events that interest you, as many or as few as you like, and always with no obligation to do any more than what suits you. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in getting in on the action and the fun.

Next Meeting

The next regular Board meeting will be held in September. Enjoy a wonderful summer everyone!

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