Haysboro’s President’s Letter for August

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I hope everyone enjoyed The Calgary Stampede, Folk Festival, August Long weekend, and any other summer celebrations!

The Haysboro Community Association hosted its Annual General Meeting at the end of June, with some community guests in attendance.

The board is taking a bit of a summer break but will be holding a summer session to discuss the budget for the upcoming fiscal 2023/2024 year.

With grants from the City of Calgary and Province of Alberta, the HCA is re-doing the flooring in parts of the building, updating the electrical panels, and the beloved tennis court will be resurfaced. All these projects are set up throughout the summer and expected to be completed before the snow falls.

Personnel-wise, the board would like to thank some departing members: Mark Stephen who is retiring as Vice President after five years on the board. Miranda Bartman transitioned from her role as Treasurer in early 2023 and stayed on as director-at-large until our recent AGM. Talia Mimura sat on the Planning Committee and represented Haysboro well. I would like to thank all three of these individuals for their volunteer time and for the energy and insight they (continue to) bring to Haysboro!

Andrew Forsyth, who joined in 2022, will become the new Vice President of the Haysboro Community Association. Welcome aboard!

We could still grow our team. Perhaps you are interested in learning about area development projects and want to learn more about planning, or perhaps you would like to see more community events and have a knack for coordination, or we could certainly use bright minds to help our Facilities Committee with ongoing projects for the building. Please get in touch!

Our next general board meeting will be on the third Wednesday of the month, slated for September 20. Come in person or get in touch for a virtual link.

Have a great rest of your summer!


President, Haysboro Community Association

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