Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for September

DeerRidge cn

September is here once again. Summer vacations are ending, school is starting, autumn is in the air, and a new cycle of busyness begins again. How was your summer? Did you get out and do a few fun things with family or friends? Did you attend Movie in the Park or any of the other festivals offered in the city this past month? We hope you’ve had time to enjoy some of the great amenities offered in our wonderful city, and especially here in our own Deer Ridge.

Movie in the Park – Our celebration of summer, Movie in the Park, was held on August 19 and was once again a great success, well attended, and enjoyed by all. A great big thank-you goes out to the organizing team of board members, and the many volunteers who joined in to help make this a great success again this year.

Playgrounds – Did you know that there are four community playgrounds in Deer Ridge? In addition to the largest, yellow slide park on Deerview Drive, there are also shady park playground on Deer Ridge Way, the big red playground at Deerpoint Road, and the little blue playground at Deerpath Road. See pictures of our playgrounds online – can you spot your favourite? Visit and click “Playgrounds.” Your membership in the community association helps to support these playgrounds for everyone to use.

Community Gardens – Gardeners have been busy growing and harvesting all kinds of organic vegetables and flowers for a few months now and it will soon be time to wrap up our gardening season at the gardens. Pictures of this year’s bounty can be seen on Facebook: (

Many thanks to everyone who has come out to help with repairs and maintenance on the gardens this year. Our wooden beds have held out for eleven seasons, and several are showing signs of age. We’re excited about the new metal beds being built. These should last us a long while.

Gardeners, it will soon be that time. Please look for an email letting you know when we’ll be doing our end of season cleanup.

Back to School! – Drivers, please remember that we have a number of school/playground zones in Deer Ridge and that it’s especially important at this time of year to observe the speed limit and watch out for our kiddos. They’re excited to be starting a new school year, some for the first time, and they’re excited to get together with friends they haven’t seen in a while. Our youngsters and teens may be a bit distracted and not be watching for cars passing by or through the neighbourhood. Please don’t be distracted. Please watch for pedestrians, slow down, and possibly save a life by caring.

Membership – Have you purchased or renewed your community association membership? There’s a form right in this newsletter that you can use to do so or sign up for your membership online at (click “Membership”).

Membership is still only $15 per family at one address. Your membership not only supports community infrastructure, but it also gives you a voice in what happens in your community and in your city. Community associations represent community voice on development proposals, as well as social, cultural, and environmental issues that impact your neighbourhood.

Board Meetings – Community association board meetings are open to all and are where you are going to hear the latest on what’s happening in your community and your city, and where you can ask questions and present ideas. Deer Ridge residents who hold a current membership have voting privileges on any proposals or issues. Not sure if you live within Deer Ridge’s boundaries? There’s a map on the membership page of this newsletter, and on our website.

We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Watch for meeting location details on our website: (click on “Meetings and Board of Directors”).

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings. Please plan to join us on:

• September 19

• October 17

• November 2

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.