Found in Fairview – September Edition

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The other day I popped into Toppler Bowl. Of course, I’d been there before, but this time I was walking in to meet four Canadian National Champions! Mikayla, Marcello, Ryan, and Oliver took their bowling skills to Regina this May, and they all came back champions.

Unfortunately, Marcello had to work, but Mikayla, Ryan, and Oliver were there and excited to chat about their experiences.

Mikayla and Marcello were destined to be great bowlers. They’re part of the Sanderson family that has owned Toppler Bowl for many years, so they basically grew up on the lanes. Mikayla and Marcello have been bowling since they were two years old, and they have always loved it.

Oliver and Ryan have been bowling since they were six and five, respectively. One of Oliver’s school pals was bowling and invited them along, and they immediately found bowling striking. There were a few years when Ryan, like any typical kid, struggled with going. Thankfully he didn’t quit, because as I mentioned, back in May the kids headed east to Regina for the national championships!

Mikayla was feeling pretty confident about her chances of winning the medal. She had come in second place last year, so in her mind she only had one person to beat. Oliver and Ryan also felt pretty good about their chances of winning gold. They were sure they had more experience than a lot of the juniors since a lot of them were first years and thought this would serve them well.

As it turned out, hard work (two to four practices a week!) and their optimistic attitudes proved to be just what the kids needed to take home gold medals!

Overall, their commitment to bowling has proven to be very fruitful over the past several years. Combined, the four kids have a total of 15 medals! Way to represent Fairview, Calgary, and Alberta!

The kids do fundraisers throughout the year, and Toppler Bowl supplies them with swag to wear to the competitions. One of the nice things about being part of the Toppler Bowl world is the support you are given by coaches and teammates. They are there for you mentally, physically, and financially, which helps when you have to travel to all of the major Canadian bowling hotspots like Gatineau, Toronto, and Regina.

Of course, bowling is not just for the kids either! Bowling leagues are for every age and skill level. Are you a middle-aged (okay, any-aged) woman who needs to get out of the house and leave your responsibilities behind once or twice a week? There is a league for you. Newly retired and looking for a fun activity? Go bowling! Looking for a fun family activity everyone can participate in that doesn’t cost a bazillion dollars? Bowling is the thing to do!

There is also a pretty good chance you will run into one of our national champs! Be sure to ask for an autograph.

Michelle Stensrud

Roving Reporter and middle-aged woman

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