Ranchlands President’s Message


September 17 is the one-year anniversary of the Ranchlands Edible Forest, and we could not be prouder.

The Edible Forest started as a bit of a “crazy idea” and through the hard work of our 2021/2022 Board of Directors, we were able to bring it to fruition. Over the year we spent planning and coordinating the forest, we had an incredible amount of assistance from the City of Calgary who sent in geotechnical engineers to test the soil for contamination and ensure our chosen location was appropriate. Our main sponsor, TreeCanada provided funding for both site preparation and purchasing soil, compost, mulch, and 11 fruit trees, while our other funding sponsor, TD Parks People Grant allowed us to purchase additional supplies to water and maintain the forest as well feed the amazing volunteers who helped on planting day.

We were absolutely thrilled by the number of volunteers who came out to plant the trees, armed with shovels ready to work, including Ward 2 Councillor Jennifer Wyness, Prasad Panda former MLA Calgary-Edgemont, and The Honourable Pat Kelly MP.

Phase Two of the Edible Forest was quietly undertaken at the end of July, when me and four volunteers from the community planted six additional fruit trees, which were donated to us by the City of Calgary Parks Department. These six new trees have brought us up to a total of 17 trees: six apple, six cherry, three pear, and two plum.

The exact details of Phase Three are still being determined, but our long-term goals for the Edible Forest include an addition of fruit bushes, raised beds for perennial herbs and vegetables, and even some benches so Ranchlanders can sit and enjoy the area.

Our dream for the Edible Forest is to make it a focal point of our community, something we can all enjoy and be proud of, not only because of the fresh, free fruit it will provide residents in years to come, but also because it was a project born from the efforts and hard work of community residents.

Anita Raffaele


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