Haysboro’s Message on the Glenmore Landing High-Rise Residential Housing and Commercial Development Proposal

Haysboro cn

RioCan, the owner of Glenmore Landing, has applied to The City for a permit to redevelop Glenmore Landing. The application would see land that is currently area zoned as parkland become residential and commercial properties.

The plan calls for:

• Six high-density housing towers, up to 115 metres or 34 to 36 stories high

• Increased pedestrian centric commercial development

• 15 years of construction – no timeline beyond phase 1 on 90 Avenue

• 1,248 residential units for approximately 2,744 residents

• Only one underground parking spot per residential unit

• The existing central parking to be eliminated/replaced with minimal surface short-term spots

• 300 anticipated additional employees

• Using only the current entrance and exit points, this will create:

o Increased traffic delays and accidents

o A substantial increase in on-street parking in our community

o A severe impact on safety, particularly residents of the three adjacent seniors’ residences

o Greatly impeded access and longer wait times for emergency vehicles

Please let the following people know how you feel about this project:

• Kourtney Penner, Councillor for Ward 11: [email protected]

• Courtney Walcott, Councillor for Ward 8: [email protected]

• Dan McLean, Councillor for Ward 13: [email protected]

Refer to proposed development LOC2023-0130. If you would like to learn more about the plans for this development, go to the project page on calgary.ca.

Please share this message with your neighbours and anyone you know who may be interested. We need to get this information to as many people as we can as soon as possible.

If you are interested in attending the Communities for the Preservation of Glenmore Landing, email [email protected].

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