Kincora’s Message on Keeping Cool

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by MPC Foundation

We’ve had our fair share of experiences with the blistering heat, and this year is no exception. With extreme temperatures and wildfires happening all around us, staying cool will require some forethought and planning. From simple measures like wearing the right clothing to keeping the shades drawn, it’s important to be ready for any sudden changes in temperature and air quality. Taking extra precautionary measures is especially important for older adults and vulnerable groups.

Here are five ways to stay in tip top shape during these summer months:

Stay Hydrated

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to grab a drink. Older adults tend to lose fluids faster than other age groups so be sure to drink plenty of water regularly to avoid heat-related health issues.

Keep Your Space Well-Ventilated

Crank up your A/C or turn on those tower fans if you’re feeling a bit stuffy. As much as possible, try to stay in cool indoor spaces when the sun is shining at its peak.

Have a Face Mask on Hand

Wildfires are unpredictable and can happen at any time. Having a face mask with you at all times will offer some level of protection from dust and other harmful substances that may trigger asthma, shortness of breath, and other health complications. Be sure to consult your health care provider if symptoms persist.

Keep Track of Any Public Service Announcements

Be on the lookout for any extreme heat warnings or special air quality statements in your area.

Maintain Adequate Medical Supplies at Home

Keep those inhalers with you and stock up on first aid supplies. Place them in an accessible space so that you can easily grab them at a moment’s notice.

No matter where you are, staying prepared is key. Stay safe and keep cool!

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