January 2024 MLA Report – Calgary Foothills – Court Ellingson

Calgary Foothills

Happy New Year Residents of Calgary-Foothills!

I hope you enjoyed a safe and healthy holiday season! I am kicking off the new year in Calgary before heading to the provincial legislature in Edmonton. January/February is a great time to book a meeting with me to share your thoughts about our government or an issue you care about.

I will be hosting “Coffees with Court” from January 12 to February 23 on Fridays from 9:00 to 11:00 am at Good Earth Coffee House (31 Crowfoot Terrace NW). Please drop by or email [email protected] to sign up!

My priorities remain the same – to represent and serve you and your neighbours, amplify your voice, and highlight the issues that concern our community. Top of my list continues to be advocating for the construction of local schools and ensuring adequate funding for the schools we have.

I am also concerned about upcoming healthcare changes, and the fact that the government has not provided enough investment into attracting more doctors, healthcare, and frontline workers to reduce our wait times and surgery backlog.

I’m continuing to promote Calgary’s tech ecosystem to grow our economy and am calling on the government to repeal the renewable energy ban that put $33 billion of projects at risk. We must prioritize ways to attract investment while also protecting our environment.

Finally, I continue to hear from folks concerned about the removal of their CPP. Please join me on January 23 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm for a Pension Town Hall at Dalhousie Community Association (5432 Dalhart Road NW) to share your thoughts. RSVP at tinyurl.com/pensiontownhall.

A reminder that you can keep up with my work by following me on social media @CourtEllingson. Don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] to volunteer or to learn how your MLA can support you!

MLA – Calgary Foothills Court Ellingson proudly serves the following Communities: Arbour Lake, Citadel, Kincora, Nolan Hill, Royal Vista, Sage Hill, Sherwood