PBPCA Incoming President’s Message in January

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As incoming President of our PBPCA Community Association and on behalf of our Board, I thank the former directors for the service they provided to our community and wish them well.

For years, the PBPCA has had only approximately 150 paid memberships. Residents of the area have expressed disinterest in our membership primarily because they perceive that the association will not properly represent them to City Council with areas of concern regarding development, traffic, and overall community issues. Residents have mentioned sending emails to the Board which never reached the PBP Directors. Some tell me they were informed by their elected representatives that community associations should not get involved in the planning and development process. In fact, past Board members have publicly stated and maintained a neutral position with respect to development.

Our PBP community is facing a proposal to use parkland at Glenmore Landing for a huge high-rise development. If this parkland is rezoned to allow that, we fully expect that it will have many lasting harmful effects.

Community Associations play a unique role in responding to development proposals that impact their communities. There are points within the development process that the city will only consider input from Community Associations.

The City’s website: https://www.calgary.ca/communities/community-associations/general-information.html#def confirms that, according to City guidelines, CAs are expected to both “promote the protection of their community’s natural resources and beauty” and “voice community concerns on issues affecting their community”. Further, it is confirmed at https://calgarycommunities.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Establishing-a-Community-Association-Summary-for-External-Use.pdf that the PBPCA is expected to “provide information to residents through a newsletter and/or web presence and act as a unified voice on issues affecting the community and provide input into the planning and development process and foster good planning practices.”

The perceived apathy by the PBPCA, as efforts marched forward to rezone parkland for high density residential development – next to Glenmore Landing and the Glenmore Reservoir – inspired many of our neighbours to awake to the threats being posed by this proposed development, and to do something.

Members of our Board are talented people with legal, engineering, building, and development experience, who have served on other, larger boards. They reside in our community and will uphold the above duties of the PBPCA to our neighbours. We believe the time to act is now, to protect our parks, communities, and potentially the Glenmore Reservoir (our city’s drinking water) from degradation.

It is important to understand that RioCan’s proposed redevelopment of Glenmore Landing will place one of the largest high rise residential developments in our City’s history, right on the doorstep to sensitive Glenmore Reservoir Parklands. RioCan forecasts construction to last fifteen years in the first phase with over 3000 residents and jobs on fie acres of parklands purchased from the City (existing berms along 14th St and 90th Ave). RioCan’s plans to redevelop the remaining 10.4 acres of land (second phase – existing shopping center) are vague. During construction our community can anticipate high-volume construction noise from pile drivers, jackhammers and dump trucks as well as have tremendous impact on traffic, pedestrians, seniors, bike, and wheelchair users.

While we recognize the need for more residential accommodation in Calgary, we believe that the City should follow proper procedure, disclose relevant information to the public and provide enough time for informed and meaningful response before the rezoning decision – and not make it behind closed doors. This is critical for the Glenmore Landing area, with its restricted access and its proximity to the reservoir natural areas and pathways.

The permitted activities of our CA are not restricted to renting space, fundraising, and family events. Many years might pass between times when residents of our community must rise to defend their neighbourhood, but this is certainly one of them.

We are always looking for volunteers for the Casino fundraiser, children’s activities, and other events. Contact us at [email protected].

We hope to have an adult social event in the new year for you to come to the PBPCA community hall to meet our new directors and hear your thoughts.

Please support the PBPCA, at https://pbpcam50779.wildapricot.org/Membership. Membership costs $10 for Senior households/$25 regular and will help support and safeguard our parks and communities.

Wishing you all the best in 2024,

Harris Hanson

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