Montgomery: Let’s Talk about Music! January Message

Montgomery cn

by Spike Richards

Happy New Year! I hope you got out and supported the venues that support our local and live musicians through the festive season. There were so many choices! YYC’s minstrel scene is very vibrant right now. Let’s help keep it that way!

We have a jewel in our own MCA Hall Friday January 26. I extend a personal invitation to join your neighbours and hear a prolific songwriter, exquisitely gifted vocalist, and very cool mom… Heather Blush.

Our “Fourth Friday” Pub Nights begins the 2024 series quite nicely with Heather and Captain Steve on our stage. All ages are welcome (with guardians).

I cannot shout out loud enough my “thank you” to all the volunteers who stepped up and helped us this last year at our various MCA hosted events. We fumbled. And stumbled. Oh my, yes. But we learned. And we are growing, each event has a few more Montgomery residents showing up. Singles, couples, families. Community. That’s the point of these Fourth Friday evening gatherings, building our community.

We would love you, your family, and your neighbours to be a part of our growth. Please do join us January 26 at 7:00 pm.

Volunteerism is the act of contributing no charge labour and/or expertise to conduct community service or support a nonprofit organization. Basically, it is the principle of you donating your time, smarts, and energy towards a greater cause… you know, our community.

MCA Volunteers help change the lives of those around us daily, considering it a social responsibility rather than receiving a financial reward. Our association has many opportunities for you to reach out and share your skills or learn new ones. Our recent fundraising Casino night is a good example, but there are many more.

We would love to have you join our (your) MCA Board. Or a helping hand at our Pub Nights, Seniors Socials, Marketplaces, Workshops, Garden, Bike Park, Planning, Historical or upcoming major events. We also welcome your contributions to the Messenger!

Send a note to Benjamin or Spike (our emails are inside the front cover) of our monthly newsletter), and let’s see if we can match your passion and experience to our 2024 MCA programming!

Got questions for MCA?

We are always near to hear your comments and suggestions. Our emails are inside the front cover of our newsletter. 

We also recognize you may have bigger questions. We will be hosting an “information sharing” evening at our February 23 Fourth Friday pub night, just a few days before our AGM, with tabletops set up from various City and MCA neighbourhood groups.

Is there something you want us to address? (Spike at [email protected])

MCA Hosted Events. Join Us!

January 16, 7:00 pm – MCA Board Meeting, Members are welcome

January 26, 7 to 11:00 pm – Fourth Friday all ages Pub Night with Heather Blush

January 27, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm – MCA Social Seniors Club Potluck lunch and live music

February 19, 7:00 pm – MCA Board Meeting, Members are welcome

February 23, 7:00 to 11:00 pm – Fourth Friday all ages Pub Night and Information Fair

February 24, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm – MCA Social Seniors Club Potluck lunch and live music

February 27, 7:00 pm – MCA Annual General Meeting

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