Deer Run’s Repairs

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Do you know those long nights when you have to wait for a repair company, all the while someone has to guard the bucket and dump it when it fills with water? We, the board members, remember too many times. We finally wired up a circuit and heat tracing to stop ice from building up in the exit pipe that runs between the roof and the storm sewer in the middle of the parking lot. Ice would build up and not allow the roof water through (which runs down through the inside of the building). There was a weak point that is supposed to break when things get backed up, but we were tired of it backing up. No major long-term damage was ever done as it only happened during the weekdays, so we always caught the issue. If this happened over a holiday season it could be quite expensive in terms of repairs.

Thanks to Jay, our volunteer board member, and companies he knows who came quicky with steam trucks, and Kim our favorite overnighter who camped out a few years back until repairs could be made while dumping buckets that are far to heavy to carry. We should be able to use the CFEP grant (see kitchen article) for 50% of the cost and if we are lucky, the CCG grant next year can be back dated, but that is a far stretch. If parts would have been available before November 30, the CCG would have covered the other 50% of the cost. One of our other volunteers did the grant application and wrap up/hand off. If you have not noticed, we really rely on volunteers, and once again – here is a plug to say thanks and to also shamelessly say we need more help. Most of the volunteers mentioned are the same two to three people – please call the centre if you can help in these sorts of areas. Call Rob at 403-278-3117 or fill in the webform.

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