Kingsland Community Preschool Update for January

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Happy 2024!

We hope everyone had a special holiday season and that you found peace, joy, hope, and love, and created memories with the special people in your life.

In December, we were busy making presents for our families, and learning about polar bears and the new polar bear habitat at the Calgary Zoo. The children were inspired to draw their own plans for a habitat, and we talked lots about what the polar bears require to thrive in their new home. On our last day of class, we wore our pajamas to school, made gingerbread houses, and watched a little movie while we ate popcorn. It was a special and cozy time for all of us to just slow down and enjoy our time together.

Thanks to everyone that supported our Purdy’s chocolate Christmas arrangements fundraisers. The money raised will go to the operation of our program, supplies, and new toys and equipment for our preschool. It is much appreciated.

We are starting to plan for the 2024-2025 school year. We will be holding an open house at the preschool on Wednesday, January 24 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Your children are welcome to attend with you if you would like to bring them.

Our registration is scheduled for January 31 for our current learners and February 2 for new students.

We still have a few spaces open for the current school year. We would love to have your child join us for the remainder of this year. Tuesday and Thursday Afternoon run from 12:30 to 3:00 pm. For more information, please call 403-258-1308 or email [email protected], and please check out our website at We also post regularly on Facebook and Instagram so look for us there.

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