Silverbirch District Guiding – December

Girl Guides

Silverbirch Girl Guides district has been quite busy the past couple of months. September, we had a meet-and-greet for parents and girls at the Braeside Community Centre. We have 175 girls enrolled in the various branches of Guiding. Our Spark and Brownie units are full!

The Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers are busy with badge work, bake-offs, sleepovers, trips to the airport, the Banff Film Festival, Remembrance Day activities, and of course, selling cookies. Many thanks to those who supported us in our Cookie Blitz in your neighbourhood.

We would like to thank our great supporters for participating in our bottle drive. Our drop-off locations were at PBP, Braeside and Woodcreek Community Centres. It was a great success and we would like to thank all who participated by bringing bottles to us – including those who saw the signs that day and made a trip back with their bottles.

With the Oakridge Co-op restructuring, we are still not sure if we will be selling Christmas trees with Scouts. We are still hoping that this long-standing neighbourhood tradition and great fundraiser will go ahead again this year. Watch the south-west corner of the parking lot after December 1 to see if we made it happen.

Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings to all.