It’s Time for Everyone to Keep Food and Yard Waste Out of The Garbage


Live in an apartment, condo or townhouse? It’s time to keep your food and yard waste out of the garbage. As of November 1, 2017, all multi-family complexes in Calgary are required to separate food and yard waste from the garbage for composting or diversion. Your building owner or manager is responsible for setting up a food and yard waste program in your complex – ask them how it works.

Businesses and organizations are also now required to separate food and yard waste from the garbage. Look for the food waste bin at your workplace, food court or favourite coffee shop. If your multi-family complex or workplace does not offer a food and yard waste program, you can contact 311 for support.

Food and yard waste makes up nearly 40 per cent of garbage from apartments, condos and townhouses, and over 30 per cent from businesses and organizations. Composting will create a useful new product and keep this material out of the landfill.

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