February – Councillor Jeff Davison’s Report


Hello Ward 6!

What we’ve done

In December 2017, Council voted to move forward with a reform of the secondary suite approval process. Prior to this, our office conducted a questionnaire to gather your opinions, to which over 400 of you responded. Thank you!

71% of respondents agreed that Council spends too much time on secondary suites and 76% said that Council’s current handling of the issue has been unsatisfactory.

I look forward to implementing a solution to the secondary suites issue with my colleagues that will ensure that the needs of our Ward and our City are met.

What we’re doing

Over the last few weeks, I have heard many concerned residents about the gravel crushing operations just outside West Springs. The health and safety of our residents is top concern for me. I have met with City and Provincial Officials, as well as the contractor, KGL, to seek a solution to this problem. I have also written to Brian Mason, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure regarding the issue. Alberta Transportation has agreed to move air and noise monitors closer to residence homes, and data will be made available online.

What we’ll do

As we progress into the New Year, I will continue to engage with your community associations and find solutions to issues together. Towards the end of April, the Ward 6 office will be hosting a community open house where we look forward to meeting you and addressing your concerns face to face. More will come on that in the next few months.

As always, I remain focused on you and focused on Ward 6!


Jeff Davison

Councillor, Ward 6.