February – MLA Richard Gotfried’s Report

Calgary Fish Creek

In February our thoughts turn to LOVE, FAMILY, Valentine’s and Family Day! In keeping with these themes, I will first share my love for my own family, who support me every day in my commitment to a better Alberta. I could not do it without them. They give me strength and remind me why I am passionately committed to the future of this great province.

Secondly is my larger family, the people of Calgary-Fish Creek. Calgary-Fish Creek has had just three MLAs since formation in 1979. William (Bill) Payne served as the first MLA from 1979-1993. Before Christmas I had the distinct pleasure of visiting with Bill and his wife Joan. We shared thoughts on public service and thanked him for his commitment and passion for Alberta. Heather Forsyth served in the role from 1993-2015. I visited with Heather recently and am appreciative of her 22 years’ service and continued passion, knowledge, and insights.

Then there is love of community. Simply put, I love where I live. Cathy and I put down strong roots over the past 26 years, while growing our family. There is strength and stability in community spirit and volunteerism, and I am proud to be part of it. Our local scouting troops, where I served as both a Beaver and Cub Leader, continually serve with commitment and leadership. From long time Scouters such as JF and John, to the legacy of Walt, who was the driving force behind the renowned Lake Ontario Drive Soap Box Derby, we thank you for always “being prepared” to pitch in. Dedicated community volunteers set an example for the next generation in giving our time to benefit others. Amenities such as our Lakes, Parks, Recreation/Community Centres and Fish Creek Provincial Park enrich family life. Let us be grateful for the blessings of community and nature and take the time to participate in local activities and celebrations.

Lastly, have we told those close to us how much we love and appreciate them? Simple acts of appreciation and generosity speak volumes. Recently I was deeply touched by the people of Calgary-Fish Creek when they came to the aid of one of their own. A longtime resident and her husband were experiencing challenging health issues and a call-out was made to assist in their time of need. It warmed my heart to see the outpouring of generosity. This is what love, service and sacrifice are all about, and a reminder that we can all do our part for those less fortunate or in times of grief, distress or need. As February unfolds may we have love in our hearts, seek to understand, and serve in kindness. As always, Christina and I are ready to assist or to listen to your hopes, dreams and priorities for the future of Alberta. My next MLACafe, Monday February 26th from 5-7pm. See you there!