Summer Festival Safety Tips

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rawpixel / Pixabay

Calgary has lots of entertaining, creative and crowded festivals, events and rodeos. With all the fun and excitement, it’s important to remain safe and aware of your surroundings when you and your family partake in all the summer festivities.

Here’s a few tips for the summer.

1. Stay hydrated, wear a hat and apply proper sunscreen.

chezbeate / Pixabay

If you begin to feel tired and show signs of muscle fatigue take a break in the shade and get some water. Personal battery-operated fans, umbrellas and sliced watermelons are great ways to keep your body comfortable.

2. Be prepared for various degrees of weather.

Jim_Combs / Pixabay

Pack and bring suitable clothing like a raincoat in case. Take cover inside or under any form of a secure shelter in case of a thunderstorm.

3. Be food smart.

kendallpools / Pixabay

Many of the venues you will participate in will have food, so ensure that with cold food products that they are stored in cooler areas and not left in the heat before purchase. With hot foods, ensure that they are eaten shortly after being cooked this can reduce bacteria. A healthy diet will keep you energized throughout your time.

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