Next Ward 11 Town Hall is October 23

Ward  e

Dear Friends,

It is hard to believe that this month marks one year since I was elected as your Councillor. I appreciate the trust that you have placed in me, and I am excited for what the next few years will bring for our city and communities.

Thank you to the many of you who have attended our monthly Ward 11 Town Halls.  I’m grateful to the Southwood Community Association for hosting last month’s meeting; it’s only through the support of local volunteers and organizations that we can put on these events cost effectively. If you missed it, you can go to my website ( to read the questions and the topics that we discussed.

Please join me at this month’s Ward 11 Town Hall taking place on Tuesday, October 23rd at the Haysboro Community Centre (1204 89 Avenue SW) from 7pm-8:30pm.

On October 17th, cannabis is set to be legalized in Canada and, in Calgary, public consumption rules will be similar to those of alcohol. It will be illegal to consume recreational cannabis (smoking, vaping or edibles) in any form in public places. Landlords, condo bylaws and hotels can also prohibit cannabis consumption. The issue of cannabis use among our youth continues to be of great concern for medical professionals and has proven to cause serious damage to the developing brains of children.

Starting next month, City Council will begin to deliberate on The City’s service plans and budgets for the next four years (2019-2022). The vast majority of you have told me that you want City Hall to cut wasteful spending and freeze taxes. With our economy still struggling, high downtown office vacancy rates and high unemployment rates, there is nothing left to give. Wisely investing in Calgary’s financial future means living within our means and focusing on needs rather than wants.

Investing in public safety is a priority for as we see the increase of crime in our public realms and on our public transit system. Gang violence, drug use and violent crimes are no longer things that only happen in other cities. Much-needed capital improvements on our aging recreational facilities and other City-owned assets is also a priority. It’s difficult to talk about hosting multi-billion dollar events like the Olympic Games when our existing facilities, roads and affordable housing units require billions of dollars in repairs.

I enjoy hearing from you. I encourage you to attend one of my monthly Town Halls or please call, write or email me with your questions, concerns and suggestions.

Respectfully yours,


(Ward 11 Councillor and Palliser resident)