Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Faces Roadblocks

Calgary Foothills

With the late August news that the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX) faces yet another roadblock, this time from a federal court ruling, it appears that vital pipeline infrastructure is impossible to build in this country. It is terrible news for Canadian taxpayers who invested billions of dollars into buying this pipeline; it is terrible news for thousands of blue collar workers who were scheduled to begin working on this project; it is terrible news for shareholders of Canadian energy companies; and it is terrible news for the NDP government, whose budget projections were based on this project’s completion.

We cannot function as a prosperous, modern society if we have an ever-changing legal standard on issues like environmental impact and indigenous consultation. Albertans have already witnessed billions of dollars fleeing to other jurisdictions, and the devastating impact this has had on jobs in our province. This ruling will only hasten that departure of capital.

With the future of NAFTA in doubt, and every other pipeline to either coast already dead, there has never been a greater need for TMX to succeed. As the United Conservative Party’s energy critic, I will be working with my caucus colleagues to ensure that the federal government does everything in its power to get shovels in the ground, and to ensure that Alberta taxpayers aren’t left on the hook for this delay.

The NDP government has said that, as a result of this decision, Alberta will no longer be a part of the federal climate framework. They have also said that their carbon tax will remain in effect, despite its complete failure to secure so-called “social licence” for pipeline projects. Our Conservative opposition will continue to demand the NDP scrap its job-killing carbon tax that has only driven up the cost of living without any reciprocal jobs or wealth for Albertans.

Prasad Panda, MLA