Olympic and Paralympic Games 2026 Update

Honored to represent Calgarians at the September 11th ceremony at City Hall remembering those police officers and firefighters lost in the line of duty.

With Council making a final decision to give citizens the opportunity to vote on a potential bid for the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (OPWG), here is the question that you will be asked on November 13, 2018.  Please vote!

Are you for or are you against Calgary hosting the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games?

__ I am for Calgary hosting

__ I am against Calgary hosting

Olympic Bid 2026 Timeline:

  • Nov 6 and 7: Advanced Vote of the Electors
  • Nov 13: Regular Vote of the Electors
  • After Nov 13: Council considers the results of the plebiscite
  • Jan 2019: Bid submission due date to IOC

Citizen Voting Information

Advanced voting will take place on November 6 and 7, from 11:00am to 7:00pm. You may also request a Mail-in Ballot if you are unable to vote during the Advanced or Vote Day due to the following reasons:

  • Physical incapacity; or
  • Absent from the City; or
  • Working Vote Day (as a plebiscite employee or volunteering/working on a campaign).

All mail-in ballots must be returned by November 13 at 4:00pm (MST).

All voting option details are available online, including mail-in ballot request forms and locations of the Advanced or Vote Date voting stations. For full details on the Vote of the Electors please visit Calgary.ca/Vote2018.

I have heard from several of my Ward 13 constituents, voicing both support and reservations about the potential Olympic Bid. I would like to strongly encourage you and your fellow neighbours to all to participate in the Vote of the Electors on November 13. I am committed to voting according to the results, whether this be for or against the Olympic Bid. Thank you all for taking the time to learn about this important issue, as it affects every Calgarian, and the future of our City.

The City of Calgary’s Service Plans and Budgets for 2019-2022

Every four years, The City of Calgary creates business plans and budgets to deliver on what’s important to Calgarians. Public input is an important part of this process as what we hear from citizens helps to shape The City’s focus for the next four years. The 2019-2022 service plans and budgets are based on direction from Council, and what we heard from Calgarians throughout the process.

During the last week of November, the public has another opportunity to weigh in on The City’s next four-year budget. I’d like to invite you to attend Council meetings and provide your input to Council on what The City is proposing for the 2019-2022 service plans and budgets.

If you are interested in presenting your feedback to Council in-person, or via a written submission, visit Calgary.ca/YourServices and click “Give feedback” for more details, or contact my office.

Green Cart Winter Schedule Changes

Starting the week of November 6, your green cart will be collected once every other week. 

There are no changes to blue or black cart collection. Weekly green cart collection will resume in the spring.  Visit Calgary.ca/Collection find your new green cart schedule.