February in Fish Creek


The February Fish Creek Speaker Series – Alberta Native Bee Council

Thursday, February 28, 2019, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Provincial Park

Presented by Megan Evans, Alberta Native Bee Council

Alberta has over 300 native bee species, but most research and attention is focused on a handful of managed species. Our native bees face many of the same threats as managed bees, in addition to competition for food caused by the increasing presence of non-native, managed bees. More awareness of the diversity and conservation issues surrounding our native bees is needed. In 2017, the Alberta Native Bee Council was formed. The mission of the ANBC is to promote conservation of native pollinator communities through research and monitoring, advocacy, education, and collaboration to realize healthy and resilient native pollinator populations and habitat in Alberta. Learn more about the ANBC on February 28 at the Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre. Free for Friends Members and $10.00 for Non-Members. Free for Youth 16 Years of Age and Younger with Registered Adult. Registration Is Required. For Info or to Register visit friendsoffishcreek.org/event/bees

The Jobber’s House at the Bow Valley Ranch

The 100-year-old house that stands next to the Friends office in Fish Creek Provincial Park has been empty since the late 1950s. This house has been part of the charm of Fish Creek Provincial Park for three generations and community members constantly tell us how much the building means to them. We are proposing to take over and renovate and repurpose the Jobber’s House to support our growth, further support our community, provide a facility to serve as a hub for less established non-profit groups and ensure the survival of this piece of Calgary’s history. The Alberta Real Estate Foundation has provided a grant to cover the full cost of the feasibility study and project plan. Their generous contribution of $44,000 will go a long way in getting this project off the ground. Currently, the building is being examined by experts in the field to establish if the project is feasible and what it will cost to complete. Once we have this document staff and the board will be looking at our options and deciding how to proceed. We look forward to sharing our progress on this exciting project.

Fish Creek Meet-Ups

New for 2019 the Friends are launching a monthly Fish Creek Meet-up group. We hope you are able to join in and connect with others who love Fish Creek! Fish Creek Meet-Ups will be informal group walks with no registration, no fees, no facilitators. Just Friends getting to know Friends while walking through this beautiful park. Meet-Ups will take place at 2:00 pm on the second Sunday of each month at a different location each time. Dates and meeting locations will be posted on the Friends of Fish Creek events calendar. https://friendsoffishcreek.org/events/2019-02/

Phase 3 Bricks are Selling Fast!

The third and final phase of the brick pathway is currently being developed and spots are going fast! For only a $250 tax deductible donation, you can dedicate very special 25th Anniversary Brick and have it engraved with your name, the name of a loved one, or a special message. Become part of history and show your support for this cherished natural area by dedicating a brick today. All funds raised through this program will help us to realize our vision of a sustainable Fish Creek Provincial Park that improves the lives of current and future generations. Thank you to everyone who previously dedicated an Anniversary Brick. For more information contact the Friends or visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/brick