Development Planned in Your Neighbourhood Online

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Foundry / Pixabay

Whether it’s a new single-family home or a large new development, there’s always a new development happening in our city. Now, you can find out about the changes taking place in your community in one easy place.

While The City is ending some newspaper listings that notify development changes, visiting will show you a great interactive map with all the planned development applications that are currently being considered by The City of Calgary. After May 16th, Development Permits will no longer be published in newspapers.

Available 24/7, new applications are added to the map when The City receives them and updated as the file progresses through the approval system. Calgarians can see land use redesignations, submit comments on proposed developments, check public hearing dates, file appeals and more.

This helpful online tool provides you with a streamlined, more accessible way to get information and participate in development activity in your community. Other ways for Calgarians to keep up to date on activities in their area include signage on development sites, letters that come in the mail and notices in the Herald newspaper.

To learn more ways The City’s Planning & Development Department is improving communications with citizens, visit