Upcoming Engagement for Deerfoot Trail Improvement Plans

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Free-Photos / Pixabay

Deerfoot Trail is an important urban expressway for Calgarians—one that plays a critical role for many of us as we travel through and across the city. The City has been working with Alberta Transportation to develop both short- and long-term plans to manage traffic and improve safety on Deerfoot Trail. The study is considering a wide range of freeway management strategies with an emphasis on making the most of what’s already in place, accommodating future growth and aligning with existing plans and policies.

The first phase of the study was spent collecting data and stakeholder input to identify and better understand the existing conditions and challenges of Deerfoot Trail. Phase two resulted in five short-term recommendations being put forward—you can find these at calgary.ca/deerfoot. The study then shifted focus to the development of the long-term recommendations. Significant technical analysis has been completed and the project team will soon be looking to Calgarians to provide their feedback and input on potential long-term improvement plans.

If you are interested in learning more and would like to be notified of upcoming engagement opportunities, visit calgary.ca/deerfoot to subscribe to the project’s email distribution list.