Oakridge Seniors Association Updates


Its been a wonderfully rewarding time for the Oakridge Seniors Association, as we seek to build an active community. We have been busy with tai chi classes, coffee get togethers, and a bridge group. We had 60 attendees for our first Potluck Lunch event in late May, with Russell Moore providing engaging musical entertainment. We’re so appreciative of our volunteers, companies and agencies that supported us for this special day, and Oakridge Community staff who helped us with set up and take down. Constable Trent Taylor is presenting on the topics of fraud, scam and safety issues affecting seniors on June 26. We were represented at the Seniors Fair at City Hall as part of Seniors Weeks activities on June 3. We are looking to build our membership to help fund and support our future activities. Please join today! We also ask you to support Oakridge Community Association by purchasing a membership.

As a final event before a break for the summer, we plan to have a group of the OSA team at the Oakridge Community Association Stampede BBQ. Please pay us a visit. In the meantime, our coffee, bridge, and other activities will continue. We have exciting plans when we start up again in September, so please stay in touch.

Need more information join us on Facebook at Oakridge Seniors Initiative, sign up on Meetup at Calgary Oakridge Seniors Social Meetup, or contact Barry & Jennifer by phone 403 281 4876 or email [email protected].