Federation of Calgary Communities: Back to School Safety


It’s back to school time! A new school year often brings more congestion in playground zones, distraction, and more pedestrians than we have become accustomed to during the summer months.

Here are three tips to keep in mind when driving or walking in playground zones this September and all year round:

  1. Follow the speed limit: First and foremost, follow the posted speed limit of 30 km/h. Playground time zones are between the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., 7 days a week, year-round. A collision with a pedestrian at 30 km/h is more likely to end in injury rather than a possible fatality going at the residential speed of 50 km/h.
  2. Stop and look both ways: We want to set good examples for young pedestrians. Stop, and look both ways. It’s always good practice to look one more time to the left and then walk across the street between the crosswalk lines. Attempt to make yourself as visible as possible. These are all good habits to practice and to role model.
  3. Follow directions: Whether you are driving, walking or biking, listen and watch for directions from school safety patrollers. Follow the direction of signals, signs, and the specific rules that the school has implemented. These directions are for your safety and others and are there to help reduce congestion and risks.

By exercising caution and care, we can make our communities safer!

For more resources, check out our website at calgarycommunities.com