Encroachment into Calgary Parks


Encroachment into Calgary’s parks has been a long-standing issue. Encroachment happens when a home owner or land owner builds any kind of structure which extends onto City owned property, including City parks. Some examples are a fence, driveway, retaining wall, shed and backyard amenities such as fire pits, patios and children’s forts.

Calgary’s parks are for the enjoyment of all our citizens. When people encroach on park lands, they inhibit citizens from accessing parks to their full extent and may even make it difficult for citizens to access parks completely.

Nico Bernard, Calgary Parks, Manager Development and Capital Services, says, “while this has been an issue for a long time, The City recently rolled out a new Parks and Pathway Bylaw that sets regulations to prohibit encroachment and fines to deter the behaviour.

“The City wants to get the word out to all home owners that this is not acceptable. Some homeowners may not even be aware that they are building beyond their legal property line,” says Bernard. “Home owners should check their legal property report, especially if they back onto a park, green space or natural area.”

Although fines can range between $500 and $10,000, Bernard says they want to work with home owners to resolve the issue when it happens and charging someone under the bylaw is a last resort. For more information, call 311 or visit calgary.ca/bylaws and select Parks and Pathways.