Health Needs Your Feedback, Fair Registration Practices (FRP) Act, and Immigration Strategy Consultations

Calgary North

While spending time with friends and family this Thanksgiving, I encourage you to take time to reflect on everything in your life that you have to be thankful for. From my family to yours – wishing all of you a very happy Thanksgiving as you gather together with grateful hearts.

Health Needs Your Feedback

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is the province’s health authority, responsible for delivering the majority of Alberta’s health services, including acute care, continuing care, public health, and community services. The public, AHS staff, physicians, and other health experts will be consulted as part of a review process to identify ways AHS can reduce costs and improve performance by: examining AHS management structure, organization and administration evaluating AHS programs, services and policies, comparing AHS to other provinces’ health systems and best practices gathering input from employees, physicians and the public EY’s report with the results of the review, which will be released publicly, is due to government by Dec. 31st. Albertans are encouraged to provide their feedback and suggestions on how AHS can reduce costs and improve health care services by email to [email protected].

Roundtables on Fair Registration Practices (FRP) Act

This Summer/Fall I had the opportunity to hold several roundtable discussions throughout the province with many interest groups on the Fair Registration Practices Act. Thanks to participants for their feedback and advice which has been of immeasurable value to our Government.

Alberta Advantage Immigration Strategy Consultations

As part of the transition from roundtables on the FRP, we will be holding province-wide consultations in September and October with stakeholders regarding the Alberta Advantage Immigration Strategy.


Congratulations to Kenneth D. Taylor Public Elementary School who was the recipient of a Community Facility Enhancement Grant in the amount of $125,000 for a new school playground. I look forward to the opening of this much needed playground.